NCAJ Secretariat

The National Council for the Administration of Justice Secretariat

The NCAJ Executive Director, Dr Moses Marang’a, leads the NCAJ Secretariat.

The Secretariat

The NCAJ Secretariat undertakes technical work concerning the administration of justice, coordination assignments and provides linkages between the Council, Working Committees and CUCs. Besides directly spearheading some of the programs in the NCAJ Strategic Plan (SP), the Secretariat coordinates the Council programmes and supports Working Committees and CUCs to deliver on their mandate. The Secretariat has eight Departments and one Unit. Details about the Departments and the Unit are expounded in Chapter Two.

The Executive Director was recruited by the JSC and appointed as the head of the NCAJ Secretariat. The Secretariat underwent a reorganisation, with eight departments and one unit being created during the period under review. The Heads of Departments (HODs) provide strategic and operational leadership to the departments.

The NCAJ Secretariat undertakes technical work concerning the administration of justice, coordination assignments and provides linkages between the Council, Working Committees and CUCs. Besides directly spearheading some of the programs in the NCAJ Strategic Plan (SP), the Secretariat coordinates the Council programmes and supports Working Committees and CUCs to deliver on their mandate.

Council Coordination Department

The primary responsibility of the NCAJ is coordinating various facets of the administration and reform of the justice system. The Department is responsible for ensuring that the Council functions optimally and can efficiently and effectively coordinate the administration of justice in Kenya.

Criminal Justice Reforms Department

The Department coordinates the reform agenda in the criminal justice sector and acts as an essential focal point between the Council and Criminal Justice Reforms, Anticorruption and Traffic Reforms Working Committees.

Civil Justice Reforms Department

The Civil Justice Department was created to coordinate the reforms in the broad civil justice arena, covering inter alia, land justice, commercial justice, employment and labour relations justice and succession matters.

Court Users Committees Department

The Department handles all CUC matters, including grassroots issues on the administration of justice.

Access to Justice for Vulnerable Groups Department

The Department focuses on enhancing administration and access to justice for vulnerable groups.

Strategy, Monitoring and Evaluation Department

The Department spearheads sectoral and internal planning, monitoring and evaluation of the administration of justice. The Department also undertakes research and data management.

Human Resource and Administration Department

The Department is responsible for managing the human resource affairs of the NCAJ Secretariat and offering administrative support.

Finance and Accounts Department

The Department manages NCAJ finances to facilitate the other departments in the undertaking of their programmes.

Supplies Chain Unit

The Unit is responsible for procurement and stores management.
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