Shikhutuli Namusyule

10th July 2023

NCAJ Chair Chief Justice Martha Koome launches a Training Handbook on the Investigation and Prosecution of Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Kenya

NCAJ led by its Chairperson the Honorable Chief Justice, launched the Training Package on the Investigation and Prosecution of Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA)
10th July 2023

NCAJ meets to discuss strategies for enhancing administration of justice in Kenya

The NCAJ met to discuss strategies for enhancing the administration of justice in Kenya by building onto strong partnerships for expeditious delivery of justice to Wanjiku.
10th July 2023

NCAJ Standing Committee on Civil Justice Reforms inaugurated

The Attorney General Hon. Justin Muturi officially inaugurated the NCAJ Standing Committee on Civil Justice Reforms whose mandate is to ensure that the civil justice system
10th July 2023

Committee reviews ongoing legal and policy reform initiatives geared towards efficient administration of criminal justice

The NCAJ Committee on Criminal Justice Reforms led by its Chairperson Justice Grace Ngenye also joined by the Executive Director NCAJ Dr Moses Marang’a, retreated to
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